2024 Christmas List
2023 Christmas List
Christmas List Time!
Under-Bed Storage
I built a box! This box also has wheels, and is approximately 3ft width, 4ft length, 1ft height. I looked forward to just buying this on amazon, but could not find something that fitted my needs. So here are my design documents.
2022 Christmas List
A list of items to I think are cool. A good framework for guiding what I would like for Christmas. If you have any suggestions send a comment to my email!
Software Development can be for Pleasure and Profit.
I started working on a app for my own amusement.
The application is currently called WebSurf.
WebSurf is a rethink of social media, in my eyes.
The main goal of it is to blend your contact book to personal websites.
After that is done you will have the ability to surf the web.
Click on a little surf button, and you are taken to one of your friends websites.
Starting Services
Sometimes you need to keep that terrible python server that you have built from my last post running. Or you have a better built server and you want to get up an running. Let me introduce you to the world of services!
Nothing to report, but say hello to Octavia, my doggo. :)

Tired: Wanting to write a new article for your website.
Wired: Wanting to completely rebuild your website for your new article.
Python, Flask, and SQLite
Uncompressing folders in Swift
What's new in CoreML
Started a new job at Rekor. Working as an iOS Engineer.